37 thoughts on “Chapter 5: Intermission, page 1.”

    1. While I’m aware that a good deal of pitbulls’ bad rep is overblown and much of it comes from training that includes serious abuse I believe you’re the fist person I’ve ever seen treat them as a subject for sqee.

      1. My dog-whisperer daughter LOVES pits. She tells me that contrary to their current reputations, the Victorians bred them as nanny-dogs, like Nana from Peter Pan. She very much wants to rehabilitate the breed’s public perception.

      2. Well, it helps that my sister owns a pit whose attitude towards the world is HI I LOVE YOU PLEASE BE MY FRIEND AND ALSO PET ME FOREVER HI.

        It’s hard to be too scared of a dog who gets so excited to see you that she can’t walk straight because her tail is wagging too hard. :D

  1. Hey, it’s the ex-girlfriend of the psycho sport guy, Red Whatever! Too lazy to look up his name. If she’s being introduced to the plot, even through an intermission, can we expect the same of other exs? Or parents?

  2. wait a sec, I think recognize that dog, is it? can to be?

    BO THE OTHER GUY IN BORNDOWN?! is he dating that girl? questions man! questions that need answers!

    1. It’s Sunny’s ex (his only ex), though who knows who she’s dating now if she is dating at all. But given that she says she doesn’t date guys she can beat in a fight I’d say that’s a relatively short list of potential suitors.

      1. not the girl, the dog! we have here three bitches, Moze’s pug Gremlin, Sunny’s Ex girlfriend and then another dog.

        that other dog belongs to Bo. so I bet we will finally be seeing Bo in this intermission.

        1. How do you know that’s Bo’s dog? Are you one of those privileged and lucky souls got that info from Spike while she was online?

          1. naww, I’ve just been a templar fan since chapter one and I catch a lot of the U-streams, so I must’a picked it up somewhere, possibly the old sketch page. but I know that’s Bo’s dog.

        1. It stands to reason that would be Bo’s “bitch” as both Moze’s pug and Sonny’s ex are pictured, this could be alternately titled “Borndown’s Bitches”.

          also that pug looks crazy as hell, but considering it’s Moze’s pug just think of the horrible sight of Moze having sex before it’s perpetually bugged out eyes,(he doesn’t seem like the type of guy to be creeped out by the dog watching) not to mention his attitudes towards nudity and food.

  3. Anybody else, I’d be upset at intermission, but of all the ex’s, she was the one I found most interesting and I just hope this isn’t the last page of her.

  4. For the moment I’m going to assume the Jake’s sold EJ’s desiccated corpse as dog meat and gave Ben his bag back before taking him to the nearest hospital >_>

    1. Let’s parse your probabilities: the first: Quite possible, even probable.
      The second: Possible but not likely
      The third: If they treat him at all it’ll probably be “Jake style” whatever that means.

  5. Ahahahahahaha… LURVE. This is perfect, after all that heavy shit. I wonder if the prizefight is an absolute prerequisite or if we could just wrestle…

  6. Aha! I’ve figured out what makes this woman familiar!

    She’s the same person we’ve all seen for the last two weeks on the TA home page!

    I am a master sleuth. Love ya Spike! :D

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