69 thoughts on “Chapter 5: Lit, page 134.”

    1. Oh, the horror! THE HORROR! THE — wha? Oh well, never mind. Uh, no stabby stabby filet-o’-EJ. I mean, they coulda done it slow, but — hmmm, I’m interested to see this “Intermission” of which we hear from The Spike. Long live The Spike. =)

  1. FIN? You’re going to fin us right there?

    Okay, I suppose when it’s obvious what’s going to happen next you don’t have to draw it, but I’m curious if Ben ever gets his bag back, and what the hell was that on EJ’s hand? Blood? Vitreous humor? Bone fragment?

    1. haha… that’s what I’m thinking… will ben get the bag back? and I’m pretty sure the stuff on his hand was blood.

      1. I think it was mostly the little lens looking thing inside the blood that’s got everyone’s curiosity up.

        1. Probably the remains of his retina/retinal lens considering that he was just pressing the back of his wrist against his gouged eye (which I cannot express how incredibly stupid it is to do that after an eye injury).

          1. The retina covers the back surface of the eye; the lens is up near the front and divides the aqueous and vitreous humors. I’m a little dubious that the lens would be fully detached, since it is surrounded by a ring of (thin) muscle. More likely (said the armchair anatomist) it would be pushed to the side.

          2. I think we’re just seeing the shine on the eye-goo in his hand. But your lens CAN pop out. My dad’s did. The things wrong with his eye are too long to list, but he got a nasty infection on top of all of them, and the eyeball basically popped from the pressure. When the doctor was cleaning it up, he found the lens stuck in the corner of my dad’s eye. My mom keeps it in a little bottle.

            Dad was already blind in that eye before all this happened, at least.

          3. Actually the lens itself comes out pretty easily – that’s why they’re able to change a damaged or calsified lens into an artificial one without a major surgery hassle. But the “encasing” in which it rests, is pretty tough. I doubt digging your thumb into someone’s eye would be enough to pierce it. But then again, you never know. I’m still not 100% sure the eye was pierced, either.

          4. …is it bad that Borealis’ story did NOT make me cringe?

            Then again, I once describing my eye problems + the treatments I get for them to an acquaintance and he nearly suffered a panic attack. So I convey my condolences and sympathy to you and your father — deteriorating eye health is horrible to deal with and hard to find people to relate with you.

      2. IIRC Jakes don’t have much in the way of a sense of property unless the property is theirs so I suspect no.

    2. The contents of Ben’s bag should be of grave concern. That bag contains Ben’s three emotional anchor points.

      1) His computer with copybooks: his catharsis.
      2) The controller for Zora: his personal space preserver.
      3) His medication. HIS MEDICATION.

      I strongly suspect that he will not get his bag back, the contents of it are to be annihilated in the Jakes’ attack against EJ. We won’t see its destruction explicitly, I think…. but I think that this needs to be strongly kept in mind for the future chapters.

    1. Let’s see, being nabbed by a bunch of crazy knife-wielding cultists after shooting one of them dead or a quick hopefully painless suicide. I know which I’d go for.

      1. No, no, there has to be somewhere dumber he could aim, this is EJ after all… If only there was a policeman around.

    1. Yeah, oretty much. If he’s lucky he might get the computer back but more likely they’ll sell it. Unless someone recognizes it as his, then it’s mildly possible he’ll get it back but I still wouldn’t bet on it.


    Even if we don’t get to see what happens, even if EJ gets away with his life, even if all goes to hell and cops somehow arrive to the scene, it was all worth it for EJ’s look in the last panel. XD

  3. OH. FUCK.

    Brilliant way to end the chapter, Spike. I would give you a pat on the fucking back if I could reach through cyber-space.

  4. My first reaction to this page was manical laughter. It was a tough wait, but the pure hick fury of the top panel makes it worth it. JAKE VENGENENCE ACTIVATE.

    I’m surprised EJ’s eye isn’t bleeding. Leaking? Whatever.

  5. Well, that was a fun two years. I just went back and read Chapter 5 from the beginning. Poor EJ – you are the past disagreement that is about to be resolved.

  6. I would not want those crazy eyes lookin at me like that.

    Also, if you read what the shouty fella’s saying all the way across like it’s one word balloon in the top panel he comes off as even more of a crazy bastard than he is.

  7. lol….sorry. I’ve been drinking and before I headed to bed to sleep the gin off I was pulling up the web comics that I follow. There is nothing more delightful than seeing EXACTLY what you hoped would happen, while inebriated. Seriously…I fist pumped. Keep up the awesome.

    1. Yeah I have the feeling that we may not know Ben as he was anymore–especially since Spike said he was going to change.

  8. How much unwanted attention is Ben going to get when the police find his bag amongst the various pieces of EJ?

  9. EJ, we hardly knew ya. But what we did know repulsed and disgusted us, and at the risk of repeating myself, you lived a hard life, having to scrape on by using everything you stole from other people and beating down those that resisted.

    But everything’s okay, now….because THAT life is over. Betcher glad to know that.

  10. Hnn hnn hnneh ehheheh hehehehe ha ha Ha Haha HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Never have I felt like more of a sociopath than I did when I was grinning and laughing at this. EJ really brings out the worst in me. Sorry to see him go.

  11. EJ, you can’t run. Parkour Jakes are coming for you.

    Oh EJ, you dumb thing! Biggs is waiting for you, too. He was your brain and you were his … hmm yeah, what were you to him again?
    And Ben, well… if he survives this (including the missed pills), he won’t be afraid anymore. Neither say sorry (an improvement?). He’s strong, and he’ll be fine. He has good friends, after all.

    1. All true except Ben being okay (at least not mentally). Spoilers frome Spike say otherwise. His pills were in the bag.

  12. Shame we won’t get to watch the Jakes carve that dumbass up like Christmas turkey. :3

    I’m glad he’s not getting away with Ben’s bag though…not that there’s any guarantee Ben’ll get it back, or that he’ll want it when he does and everything’s covered with the evidence of EJ’s horrible murder. :3c

  13. I have this feeling EJ is going to escape–though when he solicits, he’ll have to pose as a pirate–possibly with a hook arm and peg leg if the Jakes get him.

  14. I’m probably going to get slapped for using the reference, but it’s an old saw that still cuts for this example…

    Z E R G R U S H ! ! ! !

  15. That first panel, for the most part, was what I was hoping for in my head. Maybe one Jake with knife in mouth pirate-style.

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