I’m done being sick!
Month: December 2010
Let’s FAQ.
Hi, guys. I’ve gotten a lot of new followers over the past week or so, I figured I’d answer a few of the questions I see coming up.
How do you pronounce “Scipio?”
SKIP-ee-oh. Although the proper Latin pronunciation is “SIP-ee-oh,” nobody pronunces it like that. This is America. We like to fuck up pronunciations. We are super good at that.
So the short form, Scip, is just “Skip.” I guess you could call him “Scippy,” but I don’t think even his mom does that.
What’s Reagan’s accent?
Reagan is from New York City. Probably Queens. I don’t really wanna nail down the borough without visiting one day, though.
Why are you suddenly updating so much!?
Lotta reasons.
-My new Cintiq shaves about 4 or 5 hours off of production time.
-I’ve been slacking hard due to other projects and feel bad about it.
-More updates means more hits means more money from my ad banners.
-This comic is gonna be super-long and the faster I update, the faster it’ll be finished.
-Kinda just wanted to see if I could do it.
Are you gonna keep up this pace?
Not sure. I’ll try, though. But no matter what, there will probably never be a TAZ page on the weekend. Just FAQ posts, art posts, that kinda thing.
Anyway, time to do Monday’s update. Later.
Don’t worry, this’ll be good.

These two are by Ran Brown and Tom Siddell. And they made my freaking day.
Chapter 5: Lit, page 67.
Hey, tell me summore about how you guys all think these two should date.
Chapter 5: Lit, page 66.
This page mostly just makes me think of how their parents must have fought.
Betcha the Mancuso family was a barrel o’ laffs every weekend, eh?
Chapter 5: Lit, page 65.
Short for “CĂș Chulainn.”
Chapter 5: Lit, page 64.
Wow Ray you have really thought about this.
Chapter 5: Lit, page 63.
Blunt, isn’t she.
Chapter 5: Lit, page 62.
I appreciate your outrage but I really do need an answer.
Chapter 5: Lit, page 61.
Sulky, aren’t we.