These kids and their rock music.
Author: IronSpike
Chapter 5: Intermission, page 7.
I hope you guys like podcasts…
Chapter 5: Intermission, page 6.
That’s an interesting theory.
Chapter 5: Intermission, page 5.
I didn’t so much finish this page as eventually give up.
Chapter 5: Intermission, page 4.
Pitbulls have great faces.
And nothing will ever make Moze care about anything ever.
Chapter 5: Intermission, page 3.
Woah, he doesn’t just live in the phone?
This changes EVERYTHING.
Chapter 5: Intermission, page 2.
Aaaaand we’re back.
Chapter 5: Intermission, page 1.
She looks familiar.
Chapter 5: Lit, page 134.
And that’s that.
Up next: The Intermission.
Chapter 5: Lit, page 133.
Rub some dirt on it.