44 thoughts on “Chapter 5: Lit, page 109.”

  1. I think it’s probably odd that I find Patti completely unattractive without the port wine stain and really pretty and intriguing with it. Also I love the last panel so freaking much. Both Patti and Val have the best facial expressions.

    1. I actually liked her more before these last couple of pains. But that’s cos I dislike the way Spike draws tiny shock eyes behind glasses. Makes her look like an evil character in a kids movie.

      1. That’s actually exactly why I like the tiny shock eyes. Look at her. How could you not want to lovingly stroke her hair and tell her that it’s okay, she’ll get those meddling kids one day!

  2. oh man, Patti needs to just go out there and either be a gushing fan-girl or collect herself and play it cool; either way, those two need to do some interacting.

  3. Oh god, Oh god, I love Patti. I love her SO MUCH. Those two last panels, the dialogue, the facial expressions. SO GOOD. I sincerely Laughed Out Loud. Thank you so much for this.

      1. EEEEEEEEE You’re THE Scott Beiser! I’m a retard! There’s no way to delete these! Aaauugh!

        I love you. I’m sorry I’m a moron. Gotta go hide somewhere and die now, bye.

        1. Hehehe, your crazy fangirlism has made me check out a new comic that I’m going to spend way more time than I have on. Thanks a lot :P Only really thanks, because it’s an awesome comic.

          1. Wow. On rereading this, I sounded exactly like Numbers, didn’t I? That would be hot if I didn’t still feel like a dork.

            He did Roswell, TX as well. You really, really need to read that.

        2. Omigod, so cute! G’wan, Meretrix; ban siiiiiiiiiiiidhe!!! Ban sidhe real loud, ‘coz Scott Bieser is totally worth it!

          (hyuk, hyuk, “ban sidhe” as a verb, heh heh heh)

  4. Have we ever been told exactly how tall Ben is? I know in a few panels in earlier chapters you can see him head-to-toe, and in those he really does look amazingly tiny. But he still seems to blend in pretty well with the rest of the cast most of the time. I guess that’s just really clever perspective and angles at work.

      1. I’m only half Korean, and as a fully grown adult (23 years old, and yes, I’m a man), I’m four foot eleven in tennis shoes.

        I am actually still vaguely bemused that Ben is probably taller than I am.

        1. I think the thing with Ben is that he’s also extremely slight (Spike has described him before as “body by Auschwitz”, which is a phrase that always stuck in my head), and that he tends to be surrounded by people who aren’t exactly small, Scipio and Reagan most notably, although Curio also comes to mind when it comes to side by side comparisons.

  5. I think I am Patti, lol. You missed me drooling over Milholland at Phoenix ComiCon this year, but you were there for it the year before – and good thing, since that’s where I finally discovered TAZ.

  6. I really wasn’t expecting the pedophile angle.

    Also, is Ben really that small? Does he have an official height?

  7. It’s a reflection on my preoccupation old paperbacks that I am simultaneously appalled at how Patti is treating the copybook, and appreciative of the great love she is showing it by packing it with her, and passing it through the wear of frequent use. It’s the Velveteen Rabbit of books.

  8. The last two pages have been stunning. The dialogue, the framing, everything. So good.

    And seeing Ben next to Zora, whom he’s not much taller than, I always assumed he was pretty bitty.

  9. I recall Scip referring to Ben’s stature as if it made him seem like a celebrity at one point. I guess he isn’t the only one to think that.

  10. “Am I a pedophile?” is a question I’ve once asked myself… but apparently they required IDs from all performers to prove they were 18+. Was still a rather disconcerting experience.

    Also, I have to wonder what she was expecting Ben to be, a 6-foot tall hunk?

      1. She’ll have to settle for small, kinda pale, cute, and better adjusted than half of the local populace, I guess.

        (Something tells me that won’t bother her.)

  11. This page is freakin hilarious. I’ve seen you at comic conventions a couple times spike, but I finally read your comic. I love it!

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