37 thoughts on “Chapter 5: Lit, page 72.”

    1. I agree he’s a jackass, but I also think this is a really good teachable moment for Flannery; she needs to learn how to deal with this sort of thing herself. Maybe today, his jackassery can inadvertently serve as a force for good.

        1. She should glue Mesmer and Gordon’s hands together.
          Problem solved! And it’s all thanks to wacky sitcom logic.

  1. What the hell is he wearing? Seriously. That jacket does not go with that dress. And the scarf clashes with his stubble!

    1. I’ve wondered about that for a long time now. Maybe she started out hoping to meet interesting people… before realizing how weird the really interesting people can be.

      1. The problem with meeting “interesting people” is “interesting” doesn’t mean “good”. Good example; the halfway point between “innocent bystander” and “murder suspect” is “person of interest”.

  2. Oh Mesmer, as if I could ever forget your camisole and poor work ethic.

    That second panel is really nice: anatomy, foreshortening, line-weight — the outfit is just icing. And come to think of it, ENDEAVOR, BITCH is a good motto for anyone to have.

    1. I hate today’s impulse to slap ANYTHING even half way clever or “ironic” on a t-shirt, but SERIOUSLY…I want that on a fuckin’ t-shirt :P

  3. “ENDEAVOR, bitch” has now entered my vocabulary.
    Also, that looks like a biker jacket from the late 80s and ohhh my god I love those things.

  4. Well hello again, Mesmer!

    Seems like Ben is still comfortable at Kingdom Come. I guess I would be too, if I lived below the Jakes.

      1. I recall from one of the UStreams that Spike said he didn’t attach much importance to his mixed-bag clothing choices. Mesmer seems to be primarily concerned with A. Does he like it? and B. Will it fuck with people, especially girls’ dads?

    1. I thought Mesmer was a female at first too. I had to dig back into where we first met him. Was confirmed that Mesmer is a guy by people referring to him as ‘he’.

  5. Why do I have this sneaking suspicion that Ben is going to save the day while simultaneously digging himself into a hole and saying too much?

  6. If you ask me, Flannery is the only one who has an ounce of instinctual self-preservation. As we all know, there is something seriously, SERIOUSLY wrong with Gordon.

    1. There’s something seriously wrong with most characters in this comic. :-P

      And like Ray said (I think she said, might have just implied) before, Gordon only comes to the store to stare at people BECAUSE it freaks them out. Ray just tells the rules she has to abide with, to him and he goes away.

  7. Ah-HA!
    I’m convinced Mesmer is somewhere on the trans spectrum – he is wearing a dress and lady-boots, seems to have breasts maybe?, and I’m intrigued. Whatever he’s got going on, he’s pretty rad.

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