32 thoughts on “Chapter 4: Trouble Every Day, page 62”

  1. …and now you either give me back my laptop or I’ll break your head! Wow, this Chapter IS all about trouble, love how you’re putting all themes together seamlessly

  2. I love how the last panel shows that skipio is intimidatingly tall and then contrasts that with his friendly smile. Also, peoples’ faces smushed against glass is always funny.

    1. The friendly smile makes him scarier.
      Large, muscular person + Big smile aimed at you = WORRY.
      For the most part, smiles mean the person is happy, doesn’t mean the person is happy for YOU.

      1. Spike doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. If the kid is worried it is because HE is carrying around thinks he shouldn’t. And that is not a typo.

  3. Is this Epiphany’s boyfriend or something? And why do I suddenly get the sinking feeling this little guy is in serious trouble by the end of the chapter?

  4. You know what I am not even going to guess on anything anymore because Spike always, ALWAYS surprises me.

    For some reason, whenever I read Pippi’s dialogue, in my head she’s always had a vaguely congested voice — think the “spanish” hairdressers from MADTV. “OH MY GOHHHHD”. She’s not fat, but to me her voice has the quality of a short, fat, bitchy teenager. I don’t know how accurate that is, but my brain made the decision without me long ago.

    I kind of love Pippi a little, just because I know she’s still a teenager and probably won’t always be so obnoxious. I feel bad for this new fellow, though. Scip’s probably able to palm his head like a basketball. Considering Pippi’s disappearing act, this won’t go well for the guy. (Although, if her disappearance had anything to do with him, why would he be looking for her there? Unless she’s since returned.)

      1. I think she is actually saying something along the lines of: she hears what she thinks pippi it is a voice that makes her think of a fat, annoying teenager. Not that someone can sound fat. I like when people jump to conclusions and automatically make an assumption that someone is being insulting or rude. So classy.

        1. BTW, fat people do sound fat. Big cheeks and somewhat tightened nostrils, difficult breathing and stuff; anatomy plays a big role in shaping your voice.
          I’m Moze-style fat (though Scipio-style tall), and I would sound a lot fatter than I do if I wasn’t a professional speaker .-D

  5. The shading under Scip’s pecs in that last panel is off a little, and betrays the sense of height you’re trying to convey. The top of his head sticking out beyond the panel’s a nice touch, though.

    Art nag aside, I like where this is going. Well, I liked where this was going when Reagan was defiling tiny clay men. I’m considering just checking the site every other month so I can read this in chunks.

  6. Oh, Scip is so adorable. That kid is trembling in fear, though the worst that’ll happen is dealing with a chicken while watching multiple reruns of that show Scip watches.

    I wonder if the kid will think Scip is trying to soften him up by being nice, always waiting for the other (giant) shoe to drop, not realising that the guy is the definition of nice.

  7. You know, it could have been worse. Scip could’ve had the jerk suit on. Imagine that image, but with shades.

  8. Wouldn’t ‘de la cruz’ translate to ‘of/from the cross’? cruz=crux=cruces=cross. I just looked up the meaning of ‘Epiphany’ and I always associated it with an “eureka moment” or sudden leap forward in understanding but it is really Jan. 6, the day celebrating the arrival of the 3 Wise Men to Bethlehem to visit the infant Jesus. Nothing at all Spanish Catholic about that, eh? jajajaja!

    1. considering Pippi’s full name has references to the birth and death of a saviour man/god, I have to wonder if there is allegorical significance to her name and others in this series. As great as this is on the surface read, I have to wonder if there is a deeper allegory unfolding from these pages? From the get-go, the name Templar brings to mind Knights… and considering all the socio-religio-historic juxtapositioning, I can’t help but be fascinated by the archetypal/mythological implications pointing back at our own time-space continuum.

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