A character-driven, long format online comic that updates three times a week. Comedy! Drama! Revolutionary Communists, runaways, creative taxidermy and more.
Chapter 5: Lit, page 42.
And now, a change of scenery.
Surely, nothing is about to happen that anyone will regret.
17 thoughts on “Chapter 5: Lit, page 42.”
Curio, dear, you’re looking a little worse for wear.
Ditto. That’s EJ! Why is he so messed up? Wait, are those boobs? Wouldn’t have even thought of Curio without reading the comments. Booze not only brings out our inner sage but our inner beauty as well, it seems.
Curio, dear, you’re looking a little worse for wear.
I just had a look-see — that cordless phone is definitely from Curio’s debut pages when she was wearing Shiner.
Now it looks like she doesn’t need Shiner at all.
No, wait. Okay, maybe it is.
Her boobs are big enough, anyway.
I thought those were her knees at first glance.
Alcohol brings out the wise, temperate beings in all of us. Truly Curio’s inner sage will have words of wisdom that astound and awe.
I don’t know what’s going on here, but it’s going to be feckin’ awesome.
Whoa! That’s Curio? For a moment I thought it was a disturbed Ben (until I noticed boobs). Either way, it’s not a good look.
I also had the Ben confusion — I think it’s the hair and baggy clothes.
This scene should be pretty interesting, though…
I thought it was EJ until I read the comments. I didn’t notice the compressed chest at first glance.
I actually thought it was EJ for a second. Dang, girl.
Ditto. That’s EJ! Why is he so messed up? Wait, are those boobs? Wouldn’t have even thought of Curio without reading the comments. Booze not only brings out our inner sage but our inner beauty as well, it seems.
My first thought was “woah, Ben’s mom’s an alcoholic? That’s not what I’d guessed.”
My second thought was “wait, that’s Curio, isn’t it?” Happily the comments set me straight.
Ah, that’s Curio. I thought it was someone else until I read the comics. Stop having so many characters, Spike! :p
I guess I’m the only one who immediately pegged her for Curio, but it does looke like bad times over there. That is not a face of reason.
me too, first thought being “man, aside form one bitchy phone call, which is possibly about to be returned, what happened to you?”
Knowing what Tuesday’s alter ego is like, I can only imagine what Curio’s would be… and what would happen if the two collided.
Poor little rich girl …