Sketch: Slow-boil secret sci-fi project.

I did a minicomic back in high school, a sci-fi sorta thing. Because I can’t let go of anything, I’m trying to get that going, again.


Nothing more to show than this sketch, which is not by me, but by Roxxy Goetz. (I can only take credit for the lovely red lines.) If things work out, she’ll be doing the drawing.

3 thoughts on “Sketch: Slow-boil secret sci-fi project.”

  1. Maybe it’s because I’m not well-versed in more fantastic sci-fi, but after years of being introduced to “aliens” as unrecognizable blobs or people with rubber foreheads, there’s something really appealing about an alien with a human face on a very very non-human body.

  2. This is really cool! It’s exciting to hear that you two may be finally working together on something. Also, also: I’m interested in the idea of digital comics collaboration, which it looks like you’re doing here. It’ll be great to see how this turns out for you two!

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