33 thoughts on “Chapter 4: Trouble Every Day, page 63”

  1. I’m tickled by the fact that Scip effectively just cuts off his exit by tapping the wall in an effeminate manner.

  2. I… -love- Scipio. So much. He is the nicest, kindest, most Zen teddy-bear-esque body guard in the history of body guards…

    and somehow that makes him even more terrifying. IT’S AWESOME.

  3. I adore the second panel so much. “And you are never going to see me again.” Poor Scip, so misunderstood in his kilt-y tallness. (Though it sure comes in handy.)

  4. Wow, Scipio’s boots are awesome, are they supposed to look like a cross between cowboy boots, and those lace up boots “professional” wrestlers wear?

  5. It makes me so happy Scip wears the boots but not the stockings. Those stocking ruin everything.

  6. aw skip do you EVER wear pants? You’re such a joke sometimes. D: We love you.

    I love how completely calm he is about the whole thing, this guy could be creeping on his room ate and he’s just: “hey, wait second, lemme ask you something. Let’s chat.”

    Then again is obvious he could take this Edgar guy on, so why worry?

  7. I had to go back and read this three times in the last fifteen minutes, and it STILL makes me grin and giggle at the poor dude. He’s so scared just LOOKING at Scip. Heeeee.

  8. Toads agree DCB.

    Btw am I the only one who thinks it’s creeps Scip has memorized that dudes license plate?!

  9. Poor dude thinks he’s found Pippi’s utterly terrifying live-in boyfriend, or maybe pimp, for that matter. I’m guessing that this is a guy Pippi’s been seeing, and there’s no obvious way for Pippi and Scip to be related.

  10. They’ve both learned something today huh? I think Edgar here thinks he’s learned that Pippi has a new, older, gigantic black BOYFRIEND, not bodyguard. Which makes his reaction even funnier.

  11. Isn’t the Sorrows a rather nicer place? I remember Dr. Bash being from uh. Court of Jacopa.

  12. Mmm, Spike? You comfortable giving out your Sims 3 screen name? I tried searching a couple different combinations of iron and spike to no avail.

  13. What’s really great about that third panel is that he’s just tapping the wall and the kid physically reacts like Scip just like pounded the wall with all his might or something.

    1. Demonstrations of self-control actually make much more effective intimidation than direct force, in the long term. Clumsy brute? Maybe you could outwit him, or get away after he misses. Zen master’s gonna hit you whenever he’s ready, exactly as hard as he wants to.

  14. Does he remind anyone else of Carrot from Discworld? Huge, totally nice and muscle-y.. and everything he says can be taken so wrong. >_>

  15. couple things… #1 eddie boy just shat his pants… #2 Alex Louis Armstrong. FMA. look it up… hes like a huge(er) scipio… #3 – huge black dude in a kilt like a scot, with a roman name, and a european last name, as well as luchador boots. WIN

  16. ..so, the guy is looking for Pippi, and wearing an Oarlock shirt. Hopefully these things are not related ?

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