13 thoughts on “Chapter 4: Trouble Every Day, page 9”

  1. Heh, in the first wet-house scene there was a guy with a bottle with a lable “Screaming Eagle”. I’m presuming that’s the “Eagle” EJ means. And Biggs is seriously underweight. Practically a skeleton walking. No wonder he’s wearing a ton of clothes even on a hot day.

  2. Aw no, you do NOT shoot up in your dick. I heard about a guy who did that, there’s a whole knot of scar tissue on one side of his thing and it hurts bad every time he gets a boner. Just don’t mess with the stuff down there.

  3. Not in the penis, exactly. Shooting up into the scrotum apparently helps keep from leaving track marks.

  4. If anyone is curious, he probably shot into his groin, which is a location drug users generally use when they’ve blown out easier-to-access veins. There are usable femoral veins accessible though the groin/thigh junction, but you need a rather long needle to reach. [I volunteer for a syringe exchange program.]

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