A character-driven, long format online comic that updates three times a week. Comedy! Drama! Revolutionary Communists, runaways, creative taxidermy and more.
I for one am impressed the protagonist was able to use only single syllable words, just like his boss accused.
Addendum: “Uh-huh” and “Okay” don’t count. The one is a subdermal interjection (defined as unwortische in the 1847 Lexographical Congress of Neutral Moresnet); the other, a 19th century political slogan for a second-rate president. Neither deserves a place in any serious dictionary.
Still ranting lol.
This has got to be one of the most hilariously over-the-top rants I’ve ever read.
“Fucking gonzo.”
I laughed til I stopped.
I for one am impressed the protagonist was able to use only single syllable words, just like his boss accused.
Addendum: “Uh-huh” and “Okay” don’t count. The one is a subdermal interjection (defined as unwortische in the 1847 Lexographical Congress of Neutral Moresnet); the other, a 19th century political slogan for a second-rate president. Neither deserves a place in any serious dictionary.
What about when he says Good morning at the start?
I liked the face that Ben could put the phone down for an extended period of time and his boss would NEVER NOTICE.
The worse combination—and asshole who is long winded talker.