Bonus Stuff: Templar Moms.

Hi, guys.

In case you don’t follow my Twitter (Why don’t you, I’m pretty awesome), Templar pages are kinda on hold for the next week or so while I get Trouble Every Day into its prettiest dress and down to the printer.

The pre-order for TAZ’s first book literally took less than a week to hit goal. That’s the fastest this thing I do has ever gone, ever. And as a way of saying OMGTHX, I’m doing you guys a free bonus comic. It’s a series of portraits (and a little insightful commentary) of some mothers of a few Templar, Arizona characters. For now, you can find them here.

Mom #1.
Mom #2.
Mom #3.
Mom #4.

There are more coming. When I finish ’em, they’ll go on the Bonus Comic page with the other two. Just my way of high-fiving you guys for being so great.

Thanks again. Watch this space!