I launched a Kickstarter project! Help fund Poorcraft!

Hey guys, Spike here. I’ve got good news and bad news.

The bad news is, TAZ won’t update until Monday. The good news is, that’s because I’ve been insanly busy getting together a project for Kickstarter. And now, it’s finally ready.

For the unaware, Kickstarter “is a funding platform for artists, designers, filmmakers, musicians, journalists, inventors, explorers,” and other people with great ideas looking for funding to execute them. When you post a project to Kickstarter, to set a monetary goal and a time limit, and try like hell to convince people you’re worth an investment; It’s kinda like what I do whenever I’m publishing a new volume of TAZ to pre-pay for printing. Thing is, I don’t wanna do TAZ via Kickstarter. I wanna do something else.

It’s called Poorcraft.

Click over to the KS page for more info on what I’m talking about. I hope you dig what you see and maybe help me out with iron Circus comics’ first non-Templar, Arizona project.

One more thing: I’m gonna be at APE this weekend, sharing a table with Corey Barnes of Turnpike. it’s gonna be my last convention of the year! I’ll be at table 261. Come say hi!

6 thoughts on “I launched a Kickstarter project! Help fund Poorcraft!”

  1. Hey Spike! unless i’m being a technical dope and missing something (entirely possible), apparently you have to be an american to pledge money on kickstarter – amazon payments doesn’t seem to be set up to support other countries. do you know of a way around this on the kickstarter site? or will there be some alternate means for your international followers to grab a copy of poorcraft?!?

  2. Well, I’m sorry I won’t be able to come to APE… I mean, any con in the US. insanely expensive for me to fly there…

    but have fun! ^^

  3. damn. if i still lived in the area i would totally go to ape again, just to see your table. my old roomie will be there selling comics though. i believe she’s also a fan of yours.

  4. What’s going on with Poorcraft? I was super excited about it but I haven’t heard any news for quite a while.

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