Scipio, that’s pretty weird. Even for you.
Hey guys! Things are getting crazy over here, because I’m preparing for Geek Prom, the San Diego Comic Con. I’ll be at table E10 with Dirk Tiede of Paradigm Shift, From Preview Night straight through ’til Sunday, and I’ll be bringing along patches and books to sell! (No shirts, sadly. I just don’t have the room!) I don’t have many plans, other than one webcomic artist sushi date and hoping Worst Cartoons Ever has a showing this year, so c’mon by and say hi!
Speaking of patches, though… Guess what just showed up in the shop?

The Sincerist patches arrived today! And holy crap, you guys. Holy crap.
Click the image to get your own. I’ll be takin’ the whole run with me to SDCC, and given the nature of that show, I can’t promise I’ll have any left for online orders afterward!
And remember, I’m Ustreaming tonight. follow my big dumb Twitter for the link and announcement.