14 thoughts on “Chapter 3: And a Stick to Beat the Devil With, page 34”

  1. Ok, seriously, those kids are WAY too old to be breastfeeding. Seriously. That can’t be healthy, for their teeth, nor for her mammaries.

    1. Kids should nurse for at least a year, if the mother is able, and can nurse until well into their twos. Prevents a lot of the terrible twos tantrums, and does the child good. Rare, these days, that mothers do that however, as we have some serious nudity taboos in the Western World. Plus if mama is taking drugs or living unclean, the kids might get diseased with her, so we seperate out our kids young these days.

      1. Actually, it is healthiest for children to nurse until they are at least two years of age, however after the age of five the breast milk is no longer necessary for nutrients/enzymes and immunities from the mother. I think the cut off age is five because 80% of children that develop dairy allergies recover by that age.

  2. Lurchers? No, Lurchers are Mistings with the power to burn iron. Where have you BEEN, lady?

    …I’m too into Mistborn, aren’t I?

    1. Wow, damn. I was thinking the same thing, but jeez, that’s the first Mistborn reference I’ve seen ever. Didn’t think it sold particularly well.

      1. You know, I wasn’t going to reply to this page, but then I saw this…

        Finally, another Mistborn fan on here! Three of them in fact—Now four!!! And you’re rigt man, he does kick ass!!!

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