A character-driven, long format online comic that updates three times a week. Comedy! Drama! Revolutionary Communists, runaways, creative taxidermy and more.
Sure, intelligence is synonymous with data. He doesn’t have a lot of knowledge or education. That doesn’t stop him from being clever, quick, perceptive or capable of reasoning, intuiting, imagining or generally putting things together. Although I’d hesitate to call him quick-witted or creative, there’s nothing wrong with him that he has had any decision in, as far as we know.
But really I just wanted to say, calling him “smart” doesn’t really say anything. It’s a very non-descriptive adjective.
Inquiring minds need to know….
Gene has the kind of speech and mindset where you can’t tell if he’s dumb or higher than a bird in flight.
I thought that they covered before that he was just dumb.
actually, they’ve established that hes smart, just not intelligent (yes, it’s possible to be that_
actually, they’ve established that hes smart, just not intelligent (yes, it’s possible to be that)
Sure, intelligence is synonymous with data. He doesn’t have a lot of knowledge or education. That doesn’t stop him from being clever, quick, perceptive or capable of reasoning, intuiting, imagining or generally putting things together. Although I’d hesitate to call him quick-witted or creative, there’s nothing wrong with him that he has had any decision in, as far as we know.
But really I just wanted to say, calling him “smart” doesn’t really say anything. It’s a very non-descriptive adjective.
How many boxes can we CREATE, I MUST KNOW!!!!